Taproot Wizards — My top 10 Favourite Showers
Today I decided to write my fourth article on Taproot Wizards, but first, if you wanted to read my previous scribbles then please click on the below links:
In this post, I wanted to share which Taproot Wizard Shower videos were my personal favorites. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then I recommend reading my previous posts, or visiting: The Taproot Wizards School where one thing is sure, we will simp Udi until all Bitcoin Maxis have lost their laser eyes and understand how Bitcoin Mining works.

Worth noting that not all videos are “rated” based on special effects etc. I also gave some brownie points to those who have simply just been a bit different or perhaps showed more authenticity. There are also so many that I thought were excellent. Much respect for the Taproot Wizards team for watching every video.
In 10th Place:
For being original and funny, but let’s be honest, only a girly girl can make a video like this and so it stood out as a breadth of fresh air.

In 9th Place:
Filmed like a true professional. I mean, I nearly dozed off as I watched this and wanted a bubble bath myself after watching this one.

In 8th Place:
It’s the floating hat at the end that got me .. for a second I had concerns over what happened to our fellow Wizard.

In 7th Place:
I mean if this doesn’t take you back in time with a clear image of the Hoff then I don’t know what will.

In 6th Place:
Skillz Galore … I completely expected this one to be only funny, but in the end, loved how this wizard was a complete pro on the surf.

In 5th Place:
Just beautifully filmed with a very artistic style and music that went along perfectly.

In 4th Place:
Well, I said it wasn’t all about special effects, but the setting, the story, the maxi tears, this was just beautifully done all around.

In 3rd Place:
Did they just ruin a Ford Mustang? Well, these are likely to be the cleanest Wizards of them all at the moment.

In 2nd Place:
At first, this felt like watching a scene out of Neighbours, but then it quickly moved into action. Loved the camera work (in the fridge), but also the awesome tune at the end.

In 1st Place:
I don’t know where to start with this one. As a fellow pilot, I know all too well that you have so much to think about we you fly a light aircraft of any type, This was then followed with so much additional variety .. a true winner in so many ways.

Last, a shameless plug to my own video below, which I don’t place in my top 10 (obviously), but I loved making it and submitting it early on.

Hope you enjoyed this quick recap fellow Wizards and for those of us who will be lucky enough to graduate at the end of all this, I hope to meet you in person in the summer.
Magic Wishes